Virtual roundtables targeted at your biggest challenges
Healthcare is changing. Fast. To navigate all the disruption happening, real estate and facilities leaders need a space to connect with each other on a regular basis.
Our MasterMind Series connects facilities officers to help them make better, faster, and more informed strategic decisions.
These candid conversations will help you move key projects forward, validate concepts, explore new technologies, and learn from your peers. Participation is limited so everyone is able to meaningfully engage in the conversation.
Upcoming Sessions:
Upcoming MasterMind Sessions will be announced soon.
Past Sessions:
Designing for Behavioral Health & Workplace Safety
As behavioral health has become a growing focus in healthcare, health systems are dedicating increasing resources to expanded behavioral health facilities and stand-alone clinics. But when designing spaces for behavioral health, there are different considerations to make and different needs to address. During this session we’ll discuss some of the unique needs of dedicated behavioral health spaces, as well as solutions that can also help to address the growing problem of workplace violence against healthcare workers.
Innovative Strategies to Cut Energy and Emissions
Join a select group of healthcare facilities leaders for a discussion on innovative strategies to pursue aggressive energy and carbon reductions.
It’s not just an IT issue – cybersecurity threats should also be at the top of facilities leaders’ minds as ransomware attacks become more rampant and your facilities, from patient care spaces to the physical plants – are also at risk. During this roundtable, we’ll discuss the role that facilities leaders play in addressing cybersecurity.
Consolidations and mergers in healthcare happen at a breakneck pace, but that doesn’t mean that the multi-campus facilities overhauls that need to take place in their wake happen nearly as quickly. During this roundtable, we will discuss all the different things real estate and facilities leaders need to consider during mergers, including best practices, the things that should be on your checklists, and the things you didn’t know you didn’t know.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote working and brought a meteoric rise in the use of telehealth. Healthcare systems will need to reassess their real estate and facilities strategies, anticipating a future with significant numbers of employees working from home semi-permanently, as well as adjustments to care delivery spaces to accommodate telehealth.
The pandemic has shone a spotlight on many aspects of the healthcare environments that need some improvement. Facilities leaders now know more than ever the importance of having flexible, adaptable spaces that can be shifted as quickly as needs change. During this roundtable, we’ll discuss how prefab interior systems can address those changing needs.
Moving Projects Forward During Unpredictable Times
One constant moving into the era ahead is uncertainty. Healthcare facilities leaders will need to ensure efficiency and maintain speed across their projects to keep costs down as the market rebounds.
The Future of Smart Buildings in Healthcare
From voice automation to facial recognition, healthcare facilities have begun to experiment with hi-tech components to elevate the patient experience. But there is no one-size-fits-all approach to building smart hospitals.
Branding your Healthcare Facilities – More than Marketing!
Branding today takes on a whole new meaning in the ever-changing competitive healthcare space. While a rebrand or branding after a merger is usually kicked off by the marketing team, it’s the implementation partners you choose who bring your brand to life, for your business and your customers.
Managing Facilities Data Overload
Data, data everywhere – but what are you doing with all of it? Now that you’ve collected seemingly endless amounts of data, you need to be able to make sense of it to make any of it worthwhile. During this session, we’ll discuss how to turn all that data into actionable and meaningful results, and also how to determine which data is useful and which is just noise.
Remote Work and the Impact on Real Estate and Facilities Planning
Last year brought big decisions regarding remote workforces, consolidation of offices, leased space, and more. Now what? As once-temporary solutions have proven permanent, we’ll discuss what real estate and facilities leaders are doing to reassess their space utilization, support a more permanent remote workforce, and maximize efficiency in their portfolio.
A Holistic Approach to Healthcare Facilities
This last year taught us that our facilities are not designed for pandemics, and there will be long-term facilities changes as a result. In this session, we’ll discuss strategies for creating environments that support health and promote healing, from indoor air quality to intelligent lighting, without dropping the ball on patient-centered care.
Transforming the Care Experience Through the Smart Patient Room
Come meet the newest member of your care team: the smart patient room! During this session we will discuss how you can leverage your legacy investments with technology upgrades that will enable clinicians to focus solely on the patient while the room itself keeps patients safe, comfortable, and connected, while also keeping families informed.
Making the Right Air Quality Upgrades
HEPA filters. MERV 11, 13, 15, etc. UV light. Biopolarionization. “Just open the windows.” With so much conflicting and confusing information out there, how can facilities leaders sift through the noise to make the right HVAC upgrades? During this session, we’ll cover ALL of it.
Standardizing for Long-Term Cost Savings
Standardization is a huge area of opportunity for health systems focused on cost reduction. From a muddled mess of contracts with dozens of different service and maintenance vendors to different sets of exit devices and locks on just about every single door in every single building, standardization is an effective, and often overlooked, tool for strategic cost reduction. During this session we’ll discuss how you can standardize your way to savings.
The Future of AI in Healthcare Construction
Construction project delays and ballooning budgets can be easily avoided if management teams were made aware of them when they happen. During this session, we’ll discuss how you can leverage Real-Time Construction Optimization powered by AI to deliver projects below budget and ahead of schedule.